Water Well Projects

Water Well Projects

Water is one of the most important and fundamental assets in our life. Settlements have always been established and developed close to water bodies. The world's most important settlement areas have always been built near water. This is because there is no life without water. Wherever there is water, there is life. 

Unfortunately, gushing waters, fertile rivers and streams are not present everywhere. Sometimes a person needs to depend on water flowing several meters under the ground for his/her survival. The universe has always been a giver to human beings, offering the abundance of water, whether above the ground or underground. But it also says "O human being, make some effort too". 

While in some places the water coming out of a 3-5 meter deep well gives life, unfortunately in many regions especially such as those in Africa, which has a harsh desert climate, the underground water is not at depths that can be reached with just human effort. In this case, special machines and tools are necessary to reach the deep water levels underground. Since they lack those means, water well projects are of vital importance to support life especially in Africa.


In these projects, wells up to a depth of 100 meters are drilled. Even a single water well can meet the water needs of thousands of people. Thanks to benevolent people who contribute, each of the charitable organizations can drill 500-1,000 water wells per year. This means that each aid organization provides 300-500,000 more people with access to clean water every year. As there are migrations from nearby settlements to areas that have water access, this number becomes much higher after a while.

 Set out with the motto "Our Goal is Hereafter, Our Concern is Human", Sadaka Golgesi Humanitarian Aid Association carries out important projects in this regard with your help. With every water well that will be drilled, our aim is to meet the water needs of every needy who does not have access to clean water.

Being able to see the joy on the faces of children watching the water gush out from the bosom of the earth and rise to the sky during every water well opening, well, that is worth everything!



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