Votive, Aqiqah and Thanksgiving Sacrifice

Votive, Aqiqah and Thanksgiving Sacrifice

Votive, Aqiqah and Thanksgiving Sacrifice

In Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Africa and locally in Turkey, we sacrifice your Votive, Aqiqah and Thanksgiving Offering (Qurbani) according to Islamic Rulings and hand out the share

What is Votive Sacrifice, when should it be sacrificed, and what are it’s conditions?

Votive is expressed as Nazr (نَذْرٌ ) in Arabic. In the language of fiqh it means "to make something in the form of worship obligatory upon oneself, even though he/she is not religiously responsible.''

It is Wajib to fulfill an absolute (detached from any condition) vow. A vow that is not fulfilled on the  determined day will have to be made up on another day (as kaza). A nezir which is subjected to a condition that is desired, it becomes Wajib as soon as that condition is fulfilled.  (Great Islamic Catechism - Ömer Nasuhi Bilmen)

-In Hadiths, Prophet Mohammad (Pleace and Blessings Be Upon Him) ordered vows to be fulfilled out of obedience to Allah; not to make vows in matters of rebellion or disapproval of Allah, and not to comply if they were made (Bukhari, Ayman, 28, 31; Muslim, Nezir, 8; Abu Dawud, Eyman, 22)

- The person who vows to make a sacrifice based on a condition, must fulfill it at the first opportunity as soon as the condition is fulfilled. Unconditional vows can be fulfilled at any time (Ibn 'Abidin, Radd al-Muhtār 'ala al-Durr al-Mukhtār,  IX, 481). But it is appropriate that it be fulfilled at the first opportunity. (Al-Kasani, Bada'i' al-Sana'i', V, 94).

-Qualifications sought in a sacrificial animal (Wajib ‘Udhiyah) are also sought in the animal for votive sacrifice.

- Just as the one vowing and his family cannot consume the meat of the votive sacrifice; father, grandfather, grandchild and people of his own generation cannot consume it either. It should be distributed to the poor as alms. (Great Islamic Catechism - Ömer Nasuhi Bilmen)

What is Aqiqa Sacrifice, when should it be sacrificed and what are it’s conditions?

- The sacrifice that is offered for the purpose of gratitude for a newborn child is called "Aqiqah" (Arabic: عقيقة). It is sunnah to sacrifice an Aqiqah.

- Narrated Salman bin 'Amir Ad-Dabbi: I heard Allah's Apostle (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) saying, Aqiqah is to be offered for a (newly born) boy, so slaughter (an animal) for him, and relieve him of his suffering. REFERENCE: Sahih al Bukhari 1: Chapter 72, Hadith 5472

-This sacrifice can be made from the day the child is born until the day he/she reaches puberty, but it is more virtuous to be sacrificed on the seventh day of birth. (Great Islamic Catechism - Ömer Nasuhi Bilmen, High Council of Religious Affairs)

-Qualifications sought in a sacrificial animal (Wajib ‘Udhiyah) are also sought in an animal for Aqiqah.

-Just as this sacrifice can be made for a male child, it can also be made for a female child. One sheep is sufficient for each of these. (Great Islamic Catechism - Ömer Nasuhi Bilmen)

What is Thanksgiving Sacrifice, when should it be sacrificed, and what are it’s conditions?

-The sacrifice offered to express one’s gratitude, or to give thanks to Allah on any occasion is called the Thanksgiving Sacrifice or Sacrifice of Gratitude. A person can offer a Thanksgiving Sacrifice for reaching a desired goal or for attaining a blessing.

-However, it is not obligatory for a person who attains such a blessing to sacrifice an animal unless he makes a vow. (High Council of Religious Affairs)

-The ones offering can also eat from the meat of these sacrifices.


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